I'd like to dispel the age old myth that all artists are flaky, temperamental and work only when inspiration hits. The truth is that most professional artists today work extremely hard and those that have become successful including myself, are also very reliable. My close network of professional artists all have extremely high work ethics. And let's face it, I think everybody these days needs to have a high work ethic to succeed...and I think that most people also realize this is especially true of experienced artists.
I personally work and paint almost every day. When I exhibit in festivals, then 2-5 days of my life can be consumed with each show and the surrounding preparations. Occasionally I'll just take a day off and often on these days I'll read magazines, enjoy my backyard, go for a walk down by Marsh Creek. As there is always so much to do, I let these particular days tell me that it's time for a rest and that usually happens on a Monday or Tuesday after a show, depending on how many loose ends there are to tie up but a need for a rest could also happen later in the week.
This past Monday (after my Open Studio show) was absolutely crazy for me from the moment I looked at messages on my studio phone until the end of the evening so a day off was out of the question. And there's always more to do...it's just that an artist must determine when their day is done and a lot of that has to do with how they manage their deadlines.
The bottom line is if an artist is unreliable and doesn't have a strong work ethic, then they definitely won't last in the business of fine art for very long...and it is a business, we are here to serve you and to create custom works of fine art that will add joy to your life.
You may be wondering how to know if an artist is top-notch? Look at their experience, contact them and talk to them and let them tell you about their work and successes. If your friends own works from a particular artist, then you can inquire about their experiences.
The above image is of my reverse painted chandelier titled 'Summer in Maui'. As always, thanks for reading my blog and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Hope this information sheds some light on what it is like to be a professional artist.
To see more reverse painted glass chandeliers and art by Jenny Floravita, please visit my websites: www.floravitalights.com and www.floravita.com