Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hand Painted Glass Chandelier in Romantic Colors

contemporary glass painting, Florals in Rustic Colors, includes irons, electrical, chain and canopy
Reverse Painted Glass Chandeliers can be purchased from the artist, Jenny Floravita

This is another view of one of my new hand painted glass chandeliers, titled Florals in Rustic Colors. This is a truly romantic piece and I'm looking forward to creating other works in similar colors.

You may wonder how artists juggle their work? I will tell you. As a full-time professional artist, I must divide my time up between completing commissions, creating new works for my shows and galleries, corresponding with clients and making sure all the busy work in my office is flowing along. And now each of those tasks must be divided up into several parts.

When I am creating new works for show, I must fist decide on if I will be creating new oil paintings, watercolors or glass painted chandeliers. Sometimes I am really being called to one medium and sometimes it's because I need more landscapes in oil or flowers in watercolor!

This week I will be both creating a new tropical oil landscape painting and finishing up a glass painted chandelier commission with pears, pear blossoms, pear leaves and a wild flower or two for two of my most favorite people who are both clients and dear friends and artists.

To see more, please visit my website:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Reverse Painted Glass Chandelier in Rustic Colors

glass painting, Florals in Rustic Colors, includes irons, electrical, chain and canopy
Reverse Painted Glass Chandelier Lamps can be purchased from the artist, Jenny Floravita

This beautiful reverse painted glass chandelier sold to a lovely couple in Southern California. The color theme was rustic and I loved the effects of the color blends. And it's the color blends that are the most exciting part of the painting process, for me as an artist. I love to experiment with color and see what happens!

Each piece is a new adventure. Tomorrow I will begin the painting process of a custom piece based on pears and partridges...more to come on that!

Thank you for viewing my newest reverse glass painted chandelier!

To see more, please visit my website at: